We now offer online registration. Please see the patient information area to register online.
We would like to wish our staff and patients a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are closed on the 25th & 26th December and the 1st January 2025.
Our training afternoons are every 3rd Thursday of the month:
- 21/03/24
- 18/04/24
- 16/05/24
- 20/06/24
- 18/07/24
- 18/08/24
- 19/09/24
- 17/10/24
- 21/11/24
- 19/12/24
Bank Holiday Days
We are closed on December 25th & 26th 24 & the 1st January 25.
The NHS staff survery for England found that 27.5% of staff experienced harrassment, bullying or abuse from patients, service users, relatives and members of public. This behaviour can result with patients being removed from the practice list.
The surgery has extended access appointments available with the GPs, Nurses and Healthcare Assitants on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.
Rasen Area Memory Cafe
Come and join us at The festival hall, Market rasem, LN8 3HT
First Friday of every month. 10am - 12 noon.
We are a dementia friendly group, welcoming those suffering with their memory, carers, friends and family. Music, memories and movement.
Parking available, music, support and activities.
Visit the Rasen Area Memory Cafe page for more information.
Market Rasen Surgery has become a Learning Disability Friendly Practice and have been awarded a 3 star rating for this.
Many thanks to Lesley and jennie for all their hard work to achieve this.
Who is a carer?
A carer is someone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
Across the UK today there are at least 5 million people who are carers, supporting someone else who is older, disabled or seriously ill. Even before the pandemic, it is estimated that carers save the economy around £162 billion per year of state funding – the cost of a second NHS.
There are many reasons people require care, including illness, disability, frailty, mental health issues or addiction.
A carer could be a 40 year old man caring for his partner with cancer or a 12 year old child caring for their parent who has suffered an injury.
Carers First understand that caring can be hard but believe getting the right help shouldn’t be. That's why they work directly with and for, unpaid carers to provide personalised information and advice. Making it easier for those caring for someone else to continue living their lives to the fullest. Carers First offer support throughout the UK, including Lincolnshire.
The facts
5 million
Unpaid carers
There are over 5 million people who are carers
£162 billion
Saved each year
Each year, unpaid carers save the UK economy £162 billion
2 in 3
Will become a carer
Two in three people can expect to become a carer at some point in their lifetime
(Source: Carers First www.
Support available from Market Rasen Surgery
Market Rasen Surgery is committed to identifying and supporting carers according to the best practice requirements of the Care Quality Commission and as evidenced against the NHS England quality markers for general practice
If you are a carer, please ask reception for a Carers form which you can complete to let us know about your caring responsibilities.
Carers can request proxy access to SystmOnline ONLY if permission is granted by the person they care for and they understand the need for this. This will enable them to help with ordering medication online and view information on their medical record. If the carer is attending the surgery with the patient they can request a double appointment to give the clinican extra time to discuss any concerns they may have.
As a carer you are entitled to have your needs assessed by Adult Social Care. A Carers assessment is a chance to talk about your needs as a carer and the possible ways help could be given. It also looks at the needs of the person you care for. There is no charge for an assessment. Surgery staff can complete a carers referral on your behalf or provide you with the contact details to allow you to self-refer.
There is a carers notice board in the main reception area which provides further information and will focus on different topics throughout the year. If you would like a copy of the carers information leaflet please ask reception for a copy.
If you would like more information or to speak to someone about your caring responsibilities please ask to speak to Jennie Goacher who is the Carers Champion for the practice.
Other sources of information
Lincolnshire County Council Support for carers
Lincolnshire County Council Support for young carers
Carers UK Support for Young Carers